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A goal without action is just a dream

This week Marije from Fitness Bible for Women has a plan to make our dreams come true. It's time for action.

Marije: Believe me, this makes the difference between people who are successful in life and people who struggle and struggle forever. Make a dream come true!

Plan of approach
Health is closely related to lifestyle and the realization of dreams. Therefore…

1. Set daily goals! How do you want to feel at the end of this day and what do you want to have achieved?
2. Set weekly goals! Which tasks did you complete before 5 pm on Friday afternoon?
3. Set monthly goals! What are you going to accomplish this month?
4. Set quarterly goals. Where will you be in 3 months?

No annual goal?
No, I advise against that. Is too far away and difficult to focus.

There is more
Think beyond pounds. Think in feelings and tasks and include all the happiness in life (health, ambitions and even love).

For example:
“At the end of this day I ate super healthy and I exercised!”
“On Friday afternoon at 5 pm I can have a glass of wine, because I have completed all my tasks for this week and have not been able to drank alcohol and went to the sports club 3 times.”
“At the end of this month I will be 2 kilos lighter, I passed my exam and made a choice about what I want in love!”
“On June 1st I will be 5 kilos lighter and my own website will be a fact!”

Make your goals visible
Paint a wall with chalk paint and write your goals on it. A goal without action is just a dream, but tasks must be accomplished. The blacksmith's secret:work on your goals every day, even if it's just a little bit.

Take care!


Come to the book launch of the new Fitness Bible for women on March 22 in Arnhem! Join the workout and get a discount on the book! Read more about it or sign up.

A goal without action is just a dream

Marije de Vries (1981) is an entrepreneur and works as a trainer and coach within the fitness industry and the business community. With a change program she developed, she helps thousands of men, women and employees make the transition to an ideal lifestyle every year. Every week she writes a blog for Santé.

Read all of Marije's blogs>>