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10 reasons why you should have a Fitbit Charge 5

Our art director tested the new Fitbit model and explains why she can no longer live without it.

  1. He urges you to walk 10,000 steps a day
    10,000 steps equates to about 30 minutes of exercise a day in addition to your 'normal' activities such as work. This is what health organizations recommend. For that reason alone, you should be a Fitbit want.
  2. It measures your heart rate
    Handy during exercise. Now you can see if you're trying hard enough. But also useful to be able to see your average resting heart rate over a longer period of time, because of this Fitbit calculates how your overall health is.
  3. It automatically recognizes your training
    If your heart rate rises for a longer period of time, the Fitbit . will see this as movement and also stores these results for you. This way you keep a good overview of how much you exercise per week. And of course it is sweat-proof.
  4. Fitbit Charge 5 measures the quality of your sleep at night
    You can enter in advance how long you want to sleep and what time you have to get up the next morning, so that the app notifies you at what time you have to go to bed to get enough night sleep to get. It also measures your sleep activity at night, so that you can get an impression of how well you slept in the morning.
  5. He subtly wakes you up in the morning
    The Fitbit It has a very nice alarm clock function. Never wake up with an annoying alarm sound, but wake up relaxed by a subtle vibration of your bracelet.
  6. Stressed? Do a breathing exercise!
    By means of two breathing exercises (2 or 5 minutes) you guide Fitbit you while breathing in and out, so that you are completely zen for a while.
  7. Fitbit reminds you to move
    Are you sitting still for too long? Then you give Fitbit a light vibration and a message to move. In this way you ensure that you do not sit in the same position for too long and that you get up more regularly to, for example, get coffee or take a short walk.
  8. Do you know what you eat in a day?
    In the app that comes with the Fitbit you can draw up a nutrition plan for yourself. Based on your height, age, body weight and target weight, Fitbit calculates how many calories you can eat and drink per day to achieve your goal or to maintain your weight. You can enter everything you eat and drink and Fitbit does the math, so you get insight into your diet every day.
  9. The looks:is it a watch or a fitness tracker?
    The Fitbit Charge 5 looks like a watch, but with a special button you immediately get clear insight into your achieved results of that day. And on the (reasonably large) screen you can also read messages that you receive on your phone. Since it doesn't look like a fitness tracker, it's hip enough to wear to work all week. There are even nice leather straps available to make it even more fashionable.
  10. The Fitbit Charge 5 is very affordable
    If you are using a fitness tracker . for the first time, If you want to buy this is a very nice entry-level model, with a lot of functions, easy to use and a handy smartphone app. And the battery lasts a long time too.

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