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This is what the lungs of a person infected with coronavirus look like

There are the words and then the images; the latter which always have more impact when it is necessary to convey a message. So to convince of the need to comply with the containment measures imposed by the authorities, American researchers have managed to make a virtual reality video to understand the damage caused by Covid-19 on the lungs of affected patients.

This sequence of one minute and forty, in 3D, was made by scientists at the George-Washington University Hospital from the scanner of a patient's lungs.

"You don't need to be a doctor to understand these images »

On the images of his rib cage, we can observe that his lungs are green, even yellowish; colors that represent diseased areas. At the time of the scan, this sixty-year-old patient was already in intensive care. "You don't need to be a doctor to understand these images “, Comments Dr. Keith Mortman, head of the thoracic surgery department at George Washington Hospital, comments reported by our colleagues from Parisian. “There is such a contrast between the infected lung and the adjacent healthy lung tissue.
"By observing this, the general public will be able to see the extent of the damage this is causing. It is not concentrated on only one part of the lungs but well diffused on both.