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6 ways to open a bottle of wine without a corkscrew

Crudités, hummus, breadsticks for the aperitif? Check. Bottle of our wine prefer ? Check. Wine glasses? Check. Friends ? Check. Corkscrew?

We've all found ourselves without a corkscrew while we were eager to share a glass of wine. We lost it, the cat knocked it off the balcony, it's in a box that we still haven't unpacked... It's not a big deal in itself, but it quickly becomes a tragedy if we can't find it anymore. The grocer is closed, the neighbors are on vacation, so what do we do? We spotted 6 original ways to open a bottle of wine without a corkscrew. Attention, techniques to be carried out with caution! Some seem longer than others and there is no guarantee that you will not end up with a corked wine. But if you do, cheers!

Opening a bottle of wine with a shoe

Start by removing the aluminum at the top. Insert the base of the bottleinto a shoe – your sneakers that you will be too lazy to put on to go running tomorrow morning, do the trick! Tap the sole shoes on a hard surface (a wall, a tree, etc.) while being careful to hold the bottle properly. After a few strokes, you should be able to hear a "pop" and the cork should come out.

Open a bottle of wine with a screwdriver

Take a screw, a screwdriver and a hammer then remove the aluminum around the plug. With the screwdriver, tighten the screw in the cap.Use the nail puller part to remove the screw and plug with. Cheers!

Open a bottle of wine with a key

Remove the foil around the cap and insert the key in the cap. Wrap a towel around your hand to prevent injury, then push the key as far into the plug as possible. Turn the key and pull the cork out!

Open a bottle of wine with a bicycle pump

Remove the foil and insert the bicycle pump needle in the cap. Taking great care to keep your eyes and face away from the bottle, slowly pump air into the bottle. The cork should start popping out on its own!

Opening a bottle of wine with a wooden spoon

Remove the foil around the cap, and use the tip of a wooden spoon to push the cork inside the bottle. Be careful, this technique works better with plastic stoppers than with cork stoppers!

Open a bottle of wine with a hanger

If you have abroken hanger or who you won't miss, you can always use it to open a bottle of your favorite wine . Bend the end of the hanger about 30 degrees, so it looks like a fish hook . Slide the hanger along the cork. Turn the hanger 90 degrees to place the hook under the cap then pull the hanger. The cork should follow and pop out! A clamp can allow the hanger to come out if it is blocked. Above all, don't forget to wear gloves or a towel to protect yourself!