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The carpet, a real danger for babies

Mercury, lead, flame retardants; Here are some of the 59 hazardous substances found in carpets sold in the European Union, according to a study conducted by the American company Anthesis. This specifies that among these substances are present endocrine disruptors, carcinogens and even substances that disrupt reproduction. Also according to this study, babies would be the most affected since they move on the floor and mainly carpets. One of the leaders of the WECF, a group of 150 women's organizations for health and the environment, comments on this subject:"because it is much closer to the ground, the child will be exposed to everything it can breathe, especially for all heavier compounds and therefore closer to the ground. There is also a risk that it incorporates carpet fibres”. For the WECF, these products would also be very dangerous for pregnant women.

So what do we do?

If you still opt for carpet in the baby's room, the ideal is to choose a carpet made of natural fibers and of good quality, based on dyes composed of natural dyes. To find your way around, we use the European GUT label, which guarantees that emissions of VOCs (volatile organic compounds), carcinogenic substances (dyes, metals, etc.) and toxic odors are limited as much as possible. For installation, we prefer organic glues or double-sided tape, which do not release VOCs.