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Hemorrhoids:how to prevent them with natural solutions?

And precisely, we have looked at the best natural solutions for your hemorrhoids and we have found a range that stands out among the others:INTRAIT® FROM HORSE CHESTNUT. Particularly recommended by pharmacists, it is formulated with active ingredients of natural origin.

Exclusive interview with Henry HASSID, pharmacist at ABSOLUVEGETAL and author of the popular science site on hemorrhoidal disease. He gives us his expert insight and answers all your questions on the subject.

In France, 1 in 3 people suffer from hemorrhoidal disorders and 20% of women suffer from it after childbirth. Can you explain to us where this disorder comes from and what are its physical manifestations?
H.H:Hemorrhoids are intertwined blood vessels, organized in small bags located at the level of the anal canal, we speak of vascular lakes. The inflammation of these veins causes particularly unpleasant physical signs:pain, swelling, bleeding, itching, which can go as far as the exit of one or more "hemorrhoidal package(s)" outside the anus.

Like varicose veins or the feeling of heavy and swollen legs, the appearance of hemorrhoidal disorders is often linked to poor blood circulation. Also beware of chronic constipation, it is the first cause of the onset of a hemorrhoidal crisis.

Why is horse chestnut an effective natural solution for preventing attacks and relieving hemorrhoidal disorders?
HH:You should know that horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum L.) , is a tree that has been used for generations in the treatment of hemorrhoids. INTRAIT® DE MARRON D’INDE is a benchmark in this field.

Pharmacists know it very well and for good reason:this grandmother's remedy has been passed down for more than 70 years. It has proven itself thanks to its unique combination of extracts highly concentrated in natural active ingredients, contained in the bark of the horse chestnut tree but also in its seeds:the chestnuts.

The advantage of the INTRAIT® CHESTNUT ‘S’ drop solution lies in its venotonic dual use. Indeed, it can be used both to relieve the inconvenience of poor venous circulation but also in the form of a cure, as a preventive measure, several times a year. Some regulars even take their dose, diluted in a glass of water, daily for decades to maintain good blood circulation naturally! They swear by this product!

You offer a complete and natural range both to prevent crises and to relieve them. How to use the products of the INTRAIT® DE MARRON D'INDE range on a daily basis?
HH:Available in all pharmacies and for a few months now on, INTRAIT® DE MARRON D'INDE is the only complete range that relieves physical signs and prevents their appearance thanks to active substances of natural origin.

At the circulatory level, with INTRAIT® DE MARRON D’INDE ‘S’ SOLUTION IN DROPS (90 ml bottle with graduated pipette in drops):

1. Relieve during the crisis:at the first signs, it is advisable to take a high-dose venotonic. Dilute 500 drops in a glass of water, to be taken with meals, for 3 to 5 days. If you are taking medication, especially anticoagulants, ask your pharmacist or doctor for advice beforehand.

2. Avoid recurrences:thereafter, once the main signs have subsided, it is recommended to continue to take a dose of 250 drops for 2 to 3 weeks, in the form of a cure. As a preventive measure, this cure can be repeated several times a year, every 2 to 3 months in order to promote venous return and maintain the general circulatory system.

At the intestinal level, with INTRAIT® DE MARRON D’INDE ‘T’ TRANSIT (200 ml bottle with measuring cup):

To improve intestinal transit:insofar as constipation is a source of triggering hemorrhoidal disorders, it is necessary at all costs to avoid the effects of flare-ups by forcing a bowel movement because this promotes the exteriorization of hemorrhoids. HORSE CHESTNUT INTRAIT® ‘T’ TRANSIT is a mild and natural laxative based on lactulose, the main milk sugar not absorbed by the body. Very effective in hydrating the stool, it facilitates defecation without forcing.

Discover the whole range here.

Expert in the field, could you provide us with practical advice to reduce and prevent hemorrhoidal attacks when accompanied by INTRAIT® DE MARRON D'INDE products?
HH:When you suffer from venous disorders and in particular it is essential to adopt the right gestures to avoid crises. Of course, you have to practice regular physical activity.

Then, monitoring its transit is essential by also adopting dietary measures (favor fiber and drink plenty of water to avoid constipation, at least 1.5 liters per day). If necessary, do not hesitate to use a gentle and natural transit accelerator. Be careful though, avoid stimulating laxatives, which are very irritating, some of which are plants:senna, buckthorn, tamarind, rhubarb... Favor osmotic laxatives such as lactulose.

Finally, preventive hygiene should be adopted by avoiding "forcing" during defecation and by using wet wipes that are softer than toilet paper.