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Laptop or desktop computer for a senior? How to choose ?

Laptop or desktop computer for a senior? How to choose ?

94% of households whose reference person is aged 16 to 29 have a computer compared to 47% of those aged 75 or over according to data from the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (INSEE). But the increase in electronic equipment linked to new technologies among seniors is clear and rapid:the possession of a computer has increased from 21.5% among 60-74 year olds in 2004 to 81.5% in 2019. aged 75 and over, these figures are respectively 5.1% and 46.8% over the same period. Many seniors are therefore no longer behind in terms of equipment and the use of new technologies, and asking themselves the right questions before buying a computer adapted to their needs is one of their concerns. Our advice for choosing between a laptop or a desktop computer.

Choose a laptop or desktop according to your needs and usefulness

Whether it is a fixed or portable computer, these two types of equipment offer the same functionalities such as the possibility of browsing the Internet, recording and storing photos, films, music, etc. .

Desktop or laptop computers are also generally all sold with software that allows you to write, to establish, for example, tables of accounts to follow your budget, to open and read PDF documents, or even, among other things, to view photos or watch movies.

Choosing to equip themselves with a fixed computer or a laptop depends more on the use that the senior wishes to make of it on a day-to-day basis.

The advantages and disadvantages of a desktop computer for seniors

One of the big disadvantages of a stationary computer is, as the name suggests, that it cannot be moved, at least not easily. This is why a fixed computer is more suitable for a rather sedentary senior.

On the other hand, this type of computer is more customizable than a laptop. The senior who chooses to equip himself with a fixed computer has the possibility, for example, of buying a screen completely adapted to his needs in terms of dimensions, sharpness, colors, characteristics appropriate to a handicap visual, etc It is the same with the keyboard which most of the time does not come with a fixed computer. With a laptop, for example, it is not possible to adjust the height of the screen for better ergonomics and to be better installed when using it.

Although great progress has been made for laptops in this area, desktop computers offer a wider choice in terms of their power. It is true that, normally, seniors do not need to equip themselves with a super powerful computer because of the non-professional use they make of it in principle. But, a senior who wants to use his computer to store a lot of photos, videos, download movies, watch concerts, etc., must still choose a computer with a recent and efficient processor.

Another advantage of a desktop computer compared to a laptop computer:as it is made up of different materials (central unit, keyboard, mouse, screen), its components can be more easily replaced in the event of a breakdown, for example, or a senior can choose one of these pieces of equipment that is more suited to their needs dictated, for example, by illness, loss of autonomy, or a disability.

The advantages and disadvantages of a laptop for seniors

Unlike a fixed computer, a laptop has the great and main advantage of being able to be moved easily. It can be taken almost anywhere, so a good solution especially for seniors who often leave their homes to travel, visit their children and grandchildren away from home, etc.

A laptop computer takes up very little space, whether in a room of the house, unlike a fixed computer which requires a flat surface, such as a desk or a table, large enough to install its screen, its mouse and its tower which contains its hard disk, that is to say the central processing unit of the computer.

On the go, a laptop fits in a case that is almost flat and exactly the size of its dimensions. In addition, its weight is very light for the most comfortable transport possible. So many significant advantages for seniors who often need to take their laptops away from home, for their hobbies or other activities.

If it is possible to have your laptop with you everywhere, it is because it has the advantage, compared to a fixed computer, of not needing to be constantly connected to the electrical system of the house. . The laptop has the specific characteristic of having a rechargeable battery that works independently for several hours at a time. Simply recharge the laptop battery when needed by simply plugging it into an electrical outlet.

Regarding its use, a laptop has exactly the same features as a desktop computer. From a practical point of view, the keyboard is integrated into this portable equipment, which further promotes space saving. On the other hand, it is not equipped with a mouse which facilitates the use of a computer, but, in general equipped with one or more USB sockets, it is easy to connect a mouse to it for a better comfort of use.

And desktop or laptop computers specially designed for seniors?

Whether desktop or laptop computers, today there are specific machines perfectly suited to the use of seniors. A trend that tends to develop given the increasingly large and rapid enthusiasm of seniors for new technologies.

These computers have the advantage of being configured differently from conventional computers to offer seniors, for example, icons that appear in a larger size, or touch screens that are easier to use, and even if it is a fixed computer.

If these fixed and portable computers specially designed for seniors are well suited to the uses of older people, they are nevertheless often expensive to buy.