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Cheap travel in France and abroad:10 tips and tricks

Cheap travel in France and abroad:10 tips and tricks

You like to travel and whether in France or abroad, you realize that prices increase as long as you reduce the length of your stays or cut corners on other items. If, until now, you left several times a year or took a long trip, you can continue by following some ideas. So, here are 10 solutions to travel cheaper in our country or to a destination of your choice.

1 - Using comparators

If you plan to go by plane, train or boat for your next stay, you have certainly noticed that prices have skyrocketed due to the sharp increase in fuel and various other reasons. To find the destination of your dreams at a reasonable price, choose online comparators. Not only are there many of them, but they play on the competition. Thus, there are many "all inclusive" stays at very attractive rates to dream destinations.

2 - Prioritize the last minutes

If you don't have a problem with time, because you are retired, for example, or can leave whenever you want, last minute trips are very advantageous. You can find good deals with significant reductions of up to 75%. The other side of the coin is not knowing your destination a few days before. It is therefore necessary to pack your suitcase at the last moment to often board the same day or, at the latest, the next day.

3 - Make the classifieds

Many people book their vacations well in advance. Whether it is accommodation in the mountains or by the sea, but also a train ticket to get to the other side of the country, everything is possible. By doing the classifieds, you will find seasonal rentals and discounted tickets at very attractive prices.

4 - Use carpooling

Carpooling has been all the rage in our country for a few years now. And why not use this solution if you want to travel cheap while having company. Whether you are the driver of your own vehicle or a passenger if you prefer, you will pay a ridiculous price for a long journey. In general, you pay ¼ of a full tank of fuel and ¼ of a toll for a 4-seater vehicle. The disadvantage of this system is that no one picks you up at home. You must go to the carpool location which is often a highway parking lot, a train station or an airport.

5 - Traveling by bus

Several bus companies have set up a travel system in our country which is very advantageous. Some work with the trains and others are independent. Thus, you can travel by this means of transport at a relatively low price. It is not uncommon for you to be offered a Bordeaux Nantes for €15 or a Lyon Marseille for €13. Traveling this way is really not expensive and there are bus routes all over France and not necessarily only in the big cities. On the other hand, these buses stop almost everywhere and you should not be in a hurry.

6 - Renting your accommodation while you are away

You can still keep your way of traveling without making any economic concessions on the trip. On the other hand, it will cost you much less, if during your stay, you decide to rent your accommodation during your holidays. If you live by the sea, in a tourist city, in a metropolis of interest or even in Paris, your house or apartment will be rented quickly and at a good price, especially in summer.

7 - Make a home exchange

Exchanging your home with another owner allows you to save money and travel to the country or city of your choice. The method is old and has proven itself. You register on one of the many sites practicing home exchanges and you contact the owners with a destination that interests you. For their part, some owners will contact you to make offers (which you are not obliged to accept). Exchanging your house generally offers two guarantees:that of finding your accommodation in good condition since you are in the accommodation of the person who is with you and you only have to materially cover the journey.

8 - Traveling out of season

If you have time, the best is to travel off season. Not only will you not suffer from the horde of tourists parading on the beaches and in the tourist places each summer, but in addition, you will pay a lot for your holidays, less expensively. Indeed, rental prices are much lower between September 15 and May 31 of each year. Avoid school periods and everything will be perfect for you. Cafes and restaurants also lower their prices in seaside resorts. Parking lots are no longer chargeable. By adding all these prizes to each other, you will see that you will earn money. In addition, if you want to go swimming in May or September, and even October, it is possible. The Mediterranean, in some places is still at 25°. It's not even worth going too far.

9 - Avoid intermediaries

To spend holidays at a good price, it is better that you avoid intermediaries such as tour operators and other tourism professionals. They offer you packaging, of course, but not necessarily at an attractive price, because they also have to pay. Organizing your trip yourself will cost you less and is still a very interesting activity. By finding a discounted plane ticket, a hotel that offers direct discounts and is located in a country where life is not expensive, you can spend idyllic moments without having to break the bank.

10 - Choose free tours

Do you know that in many countries, after a certain age, you no longer pay admission to places of visit such as museums for example, or important historical sites? If you are over sixty, you like to visit and discover archaeological sites, paintings, sculptures, ancient cities, then you will be able to take full advantage of it. Be careful though, in some countries, visits are free, but only on certain days. In others, they are at very attractive prices. Find out more before committing to book so as not to have any unpleasant surprises on site.

With this little information, you will be able to go on a trip without spending too much money while being able to enjoy it. Traveling differently is also interesting, because you will have to invest a little more to find solutions more suited to your desires and your budget. So have a good trip and continue to discover our planet.