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10 flowers for summer that will look great in pots or planters

10 flowers for summer that will look great in pots or planters

You have a balcony or a terrace that you want to flower for sunny days. You already have the pots and planters and want to fill them to enjoy various tones throughout the beautiful season. In order to be able to enjoy them during the warm months until the end of autumn, we will tell you which flowers you can marry together while exposing them between the shade and the sun. You will be able to mix plants with similar characteristics, while playing with different colors and varieties. Here are the 10 flowers for the summer going in pots or planters.

1 - Anthemis

The a nthemis are flowers to be planted in pots or planters to be sure to have a flowery balcony or terrace. The petals of Anthemis are white and the flower has a large golden yellow heart in its center. They open in bouquets and combine perfectly with other flowering plants in warm and varied tones.

2 - Pelargonium

Pelargonium is the king of flowered balconies and terraces with magnificent shades in summer. It is diversified as much by its colors, its forms and foliage. This plant has only qualities except not to like the cold. It is therefore necessary to wait for a temperature of at least 12° before planting it outside. It also fears humidity. It therefore needs little watering. For planters, the ivy pelargonium is the most attractive because its stems hang down. Fertilize it once a week at the start of growth. In winter, you can keep it in a light, frost-free room so that it grows back the following year.

3 - The ficoid

The ficoid is a pretty flower resembling a daisy . It has multicolored tones. Around its heart, the color of the petals is more concentrated then degrades while fading. The ficoids are very interesting if you want to put ground covers in your planters. They are very hardy and require very little maintenance.

4 - Dipladenia

Dipladenia is a climbing plant of Brazilian origin that loves both the sun and the heat. Its dark green, bushy and glossy foliage is very interesting. It highlights the trumpet flowers ranging from pure white to light pink to dark pink and red. You have to put a fine trellis on it so that its stems wrap around it. This plant is perfect for a balcony or hanging. Fertilize it every 15 days.

5 - The ivy geranium

The ivy geranium is also the king of balconies and planters. Its hanging habit is magnificent and the flowers extremely abundant. It flowers from May to the end of November and requires very little maintenance and just a little water. This hardy plant is very resistant and exists in many colors ranging from pure white to the most scarlet red through all shades of pink and mauve.

6 - Marigolds

Marigolds are very popular flowers for balconies, terraces or flower beds. They grow very well in pots and illuminate the places where they are planted with their bright colors ranging from bright yellow to red through orange. These flowers also have an odor that repel pests . You can sow them at the end of April, then transplant them into pots and put them in the ground a month later. Add a little fertilizer every fortnight.

7 - The bidens

Bidens are star-shaped flowers very bright yellow in color. These plants do well in pots and are extremely easy to care for, as they are very hardy. On the other hand, for the best success of this plantation, it is necessary to water it very little and to stop it at the time of flowering. It is necessary to fertilize them every fortnight and cut the stems when they begin to wither.

8 - snapdragons

You probably know Antirrhinum better as snapdragon . These beautiful flowers open along a spike and are also known as " wolf's mouth ". To grow them in pots, you have to choose dwarf or medium breeds that you will find easily. They come in all colors and even multicolored for some varieties. Some current hybrids can even go in suspension, because they fall in cascade. For To succeed in the appearance of snapdragons, they must be planted in a large enough pot so that the substrate does not dry out quickly and water them at the foot so as not to wet the flowers.

9 - surfinias

Surfinias are drooping petunias that you can plant in a suspension. These plants are covered with large trumpet flowers and bloom all summer until the last beautiful days of autumn. They should be watered three times a week when it is very hot and pinch off the longest stems so that the flowering remains constant. Be sure to keep the soil moist. Surfinia exists in a large number of colors and is also considered the king of balconies.

10 - large-flowered purslanes

Large-flowered purslanes are very fast-growing annual plants. These ground covers adorn the planters and pots of your terraces without requiring too much maintenance. The flowers are very colorful and vary from one to another. Thus, you can have a red purslane next to another pink or orange or even yellow or white. Large-flowered purslanes will give you a colorful palette all summer long.

This list is not exhaustive. You can plant other varieties in your pots for the summer season. On the other hand, we advise you to choose those that have similar characteristics like the same exposure or the same need for water so that your plantations are completely successful and that you can enjoy them as long as possible.