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Up to what age can you play sports?

Up to what age can you play sports?

If after 50 years, seniors who practice a high-level sport are rare, it is no longer to be demonstrated that physical exercise is an asset to stay in good health , even with advancing age. Physical activity notably helps to lower cardiovascular risks, it is beneficial on a neurological level and delays the onset of diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's for example

Sport also promotes muscle strengthening and the maintenance of bone density from a motor point of view. Given all the benefits of practicing a sporting activity, there is no age to stop sport. The important thing is to adopt sports activities adapted to your age and to follow basic recommendations. In short, sport is for as long as possible!

Adapt the sport to your age

Sport has benefits on health, on the cardiovascular, circulatory, muscular system and on the sense of balance. It also helps to fight against osteoporosis and osteoarthritis in particular. So there is no question of depriving yourself of it when you get older. The important thing is to adapt your sport to your age to avoid wearing out your body unnecessarily. Before starting any sporting activity, caution recommends obtaining medical advice on any contraindications and possibly taking a stress test. Then, adjusting your effort to your physical condition and age remains the key word.

After 40 years, it is almost no longer possible to practice a high-level sport in the best conditions or to do a sport that requires a lot of endurance. From the age of 50, it is beneficial for your health to be more interested in sports that promote agility and flexibility such as gymnastics, yoga, tai chi chuan, golf or archery by example.

After the age of 70, the recommended sports, which do not damage the body and which can be practiced even with age-related physical problems, are walking or soft martial arts, among others. On the other hand, team sports, tennis, badminton, alpine skiing and certain water sports which put too much strain on the body, are not recommended beyond a certain age.

Sport after 65:international recommendations

As part of its "Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and Health", the World Health Organization (WHO) has established physical activity recommendations for people aged 65 and over. more. From this age, we no longer talk about practicing this or that sport. Indeed, the physical activity necessary to stay in good health actually includes leisure, travel (walking, cycling, etc.), professional activities, household chores, recreational activities and sport.

For people over 65 in good health, and in order to improve their cardiovascular endurance, maintain their muscles, their bones, and reduce the risk of neurological or motor diseases, the WHO recommends practicing 150 minutes of moderate-intensity endurance activity per week or at least 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity endurance activity. It is advisable to dedicate periods of at least 10 minutes to these physical activities.

These recommendations also apply to seniors over 65 with reduced mobility or who have chronic illnesses. For the former, the WHO recommends that they "practice physical activity aimed at improving balance and preventing falls at least three days a week". For sedentary seniors who cannot engage in physical activity due to their state of health, these general recommendations may also concern them provided, after medical advice, that these physical practices are adapted according to their abilities and own limits.