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A sportproof haircut

During sports you are mainly concerned with… sports. Still, it's nice if your hair stays out of your face. And okay, it's also nice to know that your hair is still in shape at the end of your workout. Keep your hair under control during exercise with these four tips.

Choose the right hair elastic
A well-known problem:the hair tie that can barely go around your hair three times, but is way too wide when it comes to twice. During exercise, your tail will slide out of the hair. Preferably choose a soft hair elastic, so that your hair is not damaged. Zenner has a Stay*in*Hair line with hair accessories that stay in place.

Give your hair more grip
If your hair is freshly washed, it is a lot softer. Beautiful, but exercising is not practical. Use a little dry shampoo to give your hair structure. Your hair will therefore stay in place better.

For soft and shiny hair
Do you suffer from frizzy hair when you wear it? Before doing your hair, use a little leave in conditioner or oil.

No hair in your face
Prevent tufts of hair from falling into your face by wearing a hairband or sweatband.

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