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Yvonne blog 4:Countdown

Yvonne (29) will join the Zuiderzee Classic on Saturday. It will be her first trip of 220 kilometers. Is she ready?

Yvonne: The long trip of 220 km is approaching. Only a few more nights of sleep and then it's time. Cycling, cycling and more cycling… so that money comes in for research into colon cancer. I now see on the website that more than 60,000 euros has already been raised and that more than 500 people are cycling along on the three distances. Super! Sponsors are still possible. For more information, visit

Never before have I covered 220 km on the road bike, 180 km has been my longest ride to date. This will be a first in that regard! I have no idea how long it will take us, but that's not the point. Cycling out, touring, enjoying, being aware of the fact that my body can handle these kinds of things. That I am healthy and have a body that can take a load, if you take good care of it.

Great weather
Next week I will therefore take it easy:exercise a little but not too long and too often. At the moment I still feel muscle pain from yesterday and it should be completely gone by Saturday. As training I rode/run a nice duathlon in the woods yesterday, it was wonderful! And very good weather by the way. Fingers crossed it will be next week too! Then I can cycle in my shorts, let my white legs shine, haha! One more time, before we go into winter… that would be so nice. Then the racing bike can be cleaned afterwards and already in the stable.

See you on Saturday
By the way, my team has changed since my last blog:Siegrid is unfortunately no longer able to join us, but Edith and May have joined, which is great! Our team now consists of five ladies. We will be at the start at 7.30 am on Saturday. Will we see you then? Later in the day is of course also allowed, at the finish!

Yvonne, we wish you the best of luck. You can do it!