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Arrived after summer

The Dutch let themselves go a lot last summer. This is apparent from a survey among 1470 people from and Almost half of the respondents have gained a few kilos. The main reason for this is that they just want to enjoy themselves during their holiday.

The combination of eating out more often, more alcoholic drinks, snacks, snacks and ice cream, more extensive main meals and less regularity resulted in 1 to 5 kilos extra weight † To the amount of movement it wasn't, 45 percent moved as much as before the summer and a third moved even more.

97 percent of those surveyed are determined to do something about the extra pounds after the summer † For three quarters of the respondents, learning a healthy lifestyle the way to get rid of the excess kilos.

Only a small part of the respondents is not planning to do anything about the extra kilos. Lack of money, lack of motivation, injuries and private circumstances are the main reasons for this. Also the fact that they are actually satisfied with their bodies is an important reason not to do anything about the extra kilos.