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Beverage industry reaches young people through sport

Alcohol producers reach more than a million underage young people through sports sponsorship. This is apparent from research by the Alcohol Prevention Foundation, STAP.

One in four major sporting events in the Netherlands is sponsored by the alcohol industry † Brewers advertise the most:of the 107 major sporting events sponsored by the alcohol industry, 105 were co-sponsored by brewers.

These events attracted more than 4.5 million visitors in 2008, of which at least 1 million were minors † Young people who see a lot of alcohol advertisements at a young age start drinking sooner, they often drink more than young people who do not see alcohol advertisements.

A ban on sponsoring alcohol producers during sports events is not strange in Europe. Such a ban already applies in France. In the Netherlands, since January 1, 2009 it is no longer allowed to broadcast alcohol advertisements before 9 p.m. † A ban on sports sponsorship may be the next step.