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150 minutes of sport can counter the effects of alcohol

A study published in the medical journal British Journal of Sports Medicine and carried out in Great Britain showed that exercising 150 minutes a week would have positive effects on health (we knew that) and would in particular reduce the risks associated with excessive alcohol consumption. Researchers at the University of Sydney interviewed 36,000 Britons over the age of 40, who had responded to various surveys on alcohol consumption, sports activity and health.

Alcohol, a real danger

We know that alcohol consumed in excessive quantities is (very) bad for your health because it can cause cardiovascular disease, cancer or stroke and considerably increases the risk of death. And this, even if we stay within the recommended doses (in England, they are 14 units of alcohol per week for a woman). However, the researchers observed that the risks associated with alcohol were reduced in people who regularly practice a sporting activity, for at least 150 minutes per week (which corresponds to the WHO recommendation). P>

The benefits of sport

Why does this seem believable? Quite simply because the mechanism of alcohol on the body is the same as that of sport... but the opposite! Sport is therefore as positive for the body as alcohol is negative. Well, that being said, exercising regularly is not a reason to drink too much. Simply, on the next drunken evening, we will have in mind to "repair the damage" with a good sports session in the days that follow.