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Aromatherapy:3 express recipes for daily ailments

Aromatherapy to aid digestion

What woman does not regularly experience digestive problems? The benefits of lemon are no longer to be proven in many areas such as food, household products, cosmetics and the medical field. Poor digestion can be caused by poor food choices or excesses, but also by anxiety or fatigue. In aromatherapy, lemon essential oil stimulates the action of the gallbladder, pancreas and liver. It is undoubtedly an ally of digestion. It is also rich in vitamin C which provides tone and strengthens the immune system. Without particular ailments, it may be interesting to use lemon essential oil during the end of year celebrations or seasonal changes. You can put two drops of lemon essential oil on a sugar, in honey, olive oil or on a neutral tablet three or four times a day.

Recipe against headaches

Headaches are very common in women. They have many origins such as lack of sleep, stress, anxiety, diet, lifestyle, etc. To fight against headaches, in aromatherapy, the most appropriate essential oil is that of peppermint. It has recommended anesthetic and analgesic properties. It should be remembered that women are much more affected by headaches than men. Menstrual cycles sometimes play a role in the onset and intensity of headaches. In order not to let your daily life be spoiled, it is advisable to apply peppermint essential oil externally. Simply place two to four drops on the temples and neck, then massage in a circular motion. Peppermint essential oil can be a good option, other than traditional medicines. If the headaches persist, it is best to make an appointment with a doctor.

The effectiveness of aromatherapy against insomnia

Sleep disorders affect more than a third of the population. Insomnia is very common. Heavy dinners, personal worries and irregular schedules are all reasons for not being able to sleep. Aromatherapy is known to help with difficulty falling asleep. The simplest aromatherapy recipe is based on marjoram essential oil. Just put a drop on the solar plexus and massage gently in the evening at bedtime. For a more complete recipe, it is advisable to proceed with the same gestures once in the evening and once before sleeping by mixing many essential oils:1 ml of marjoram, 1 ml of fine lavender, 1 ml of mandarin and 3 ml of hazelnut vegetable oil. Basil essential oil is recommended for insomnia of nervous origin, anxiety, spasms, even spasmophilia and depression.