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Aromatherapy:how do essential oils work?

What are the properties of essential oils?

It is well known that ancient Egyptian and Chinese medicines were already based on the study of plants. Since the dawn of time, certain flowers and trees have been known for their extraordinary properties! Be careful, aromatherapy should in no way replace traditional medicine, but it is a supplement that requires our full attention! Because some essential oils have anti-infective properties that can help when winter comes around. Others are anti-stress and allow you to calm down, especially when sleep is long overdue. Each plant has its own characteristics. Aromatherapy consists in knowing and studying these different natural phenomena.

How to use essential oils?

There are many ways to use essential oils, as they have many properties. The easiest way to enjoy their benefits is to pour a few drops into a hot bath. Be careful not to have your hand too heavy! The oils are very concentrated extracts, so you have to respect the indicated dosage and do not hesitate to learn about aromatherapy! It is also possible to use them in massage, mouthwash or inhalation. The most common way to benefit from aromatic plants is to use a diffuser. Steam, gentle heat or mist, there are many techniques for each of your needs!

But how do I choose my essential oils?

It's not always easy to find your way around! If we can find more and more essential oils in pharmacies and organic stores, it is not easy to know which bottle corresponds to us! You can first consult a naturopath directly or browse books on aromatherapy. Then, depending on the effect you are looking for, you can choose your plant extracts. Please note that they must be certified organic! Some will be used in broadcasts while others can be ingested. Moreover, they are strictly forbidden for children under 3 years old!

How to use an essential oil on the skin?

If you have skin problems, essential oils can help overcome certain imperfections. It is recommended to dilute them in vegetable oil, because the epidermis can be fragile. To make sure you don't have an allergy, you can also do a small test in the bend of your elbow. And always remember to respect the doses! Tea tree oil is one of the most effective against acne pimples and infections. Besides antibacterial properties, aromatherapy can also be used in the kitchen. A few drops of basil and your salad is flavored in the blink of an eye!