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Aromatherapy:what are the dangers?

Dangers of essential oils

Essential oils should not be used haphazardly, they are not harmless. It is essential to be properly informed beforehand so that they do not present a danger. In case of overdose, aromatherapy can cause symptoms of intoxication. Following ingestion of essential oils, you may experience irritation of the mucous membranes of the mouth, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea. In the most serious cases, some people have already had impaired consciousness, seizures or breathing problems. There are also possible allergies in sensitized people in the event of skin contact with an essential oil. Irritation, redness and burning sensations may appear. It is useless to apply water, but you can put a vegetable oil to relieve. This is why it is essential to perform a skin test in the inner fold of the elbow for 48 hours. In case of eye contact, it is possible to have blurred vision and damage to the cornea. Fortunately, these lesions are reversible. The most dangerous in aromatherapy remains the ingestion of pure essential oils. Do not hesitate to call the poison control center closest to you or go directly to the emergency room.

Golden rules of aromatherapy

It is important to remember that essential oils are composed of 100% active ingredients, hence their strong therapeutic power. These products are not trivial and require serious information about the dosage and duration so that they do not represent a danger. Use is generally prohibited in children, pregnant and breastfeeding women. You should also know that many essential oils are photosensitive, so do not expose yourself to the sun. Unless otherwise advised, it is preferable not to apply them to the mucous membranes (ears, nose, eyes). The essential oil should not be mixed with water, but with a neutral base such as a vegetable oil. After each use, it is important to wash your hands.

Aromatherapy:storage tips

The first aromatherapy tip is to keep all aromatherapy products out of reach of children and pets. For the essential oil to remain of high quality, it is essential that it is well preserved. To do this, always make sure to close the bottles properly after use. Essential oil bottles must be kept away from light and heat. Citrus essences such as lemon or orange must be kept cool. They can be kept for a maximum of two years after the date of manufacture. Hydrosols also need to stay cool. Their shelf life is one year after the opening date.