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What essential oil against the common cold?

Against the common cold, eucalyptus essential oil

Runny nose and clogged sinuses? You haven't slipped through the cracks this year! So to fight the common cold, bet on eucalyptus essential oil. It is perfect for clearing the sinuses and dissipating the headache. You can use it by pouring a few drops of scented extract into hot water or into your tea. Accompanied by a squeezed lemon and a spoonful of honey, you will quickly regain energy! This oil can also be inhaled:pour 3 drops in a bowl filled with very hot water and breathe through your nose. If you are away from home and have sinus pain, put a single drop on each side of your nose. Then massage gently. For those who want to try another plant, peppermint is also recommended for colds that affect the sinuses.

Against a stuffy nose, Niaouli essential oil

Less known than the previous ones, the essential oil of Niaouli nevertheless helps to overcome colds. Anticipate before winter sets in and fill your pharmacy with these small opaque bottles! If the tissues are essential in case of virus, the Niaouli will quickly become your best friend to fight against germs! Indeed, this tree from Australia has the ability to decongest the respiratory tract. Put 4-5 drops of the oil on a handkerchief and inhale it gently several times a day. You can also use it in synergy with field mint, balsam fir and argan vegetable oil. This aromatherapy recipe eradicates the nasty winter bugs.

Which essential oil against sore throats?

If you suffer from hoarseness or have inflamed glands, angina is not far away... Not even afraid! Many essential oils against colds will allow you to disinfect your throat. Marjoram with thujanol, peppermint again, rosewood and cypress are very effective. In a hot drink or on a neutral cough drop, these aromatic plants will act to stop the development of bacteria. The tea tree also has disinfectant properties. Combined with Niaouli oil and rosemary, it helps fight against bronchitis.

Essential oils in sprays and balms

The virtues of plants no longer need to be proven. For millennia, they have been used against many ailments. Today, there are cold sprays with essential oils. Most often, they are composed of Ravintsara, radiated eucalyptus and Niaouli to cleanse and fight against the development of bacteria! If you have an aromatic diffuser, it will help clean up your environment and fight against viruses. In massage or in the bath, plant extracts can help you get rid of a stuffy nose and a bad cough!