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It's scientific:11 minutes of sport would be as effective as 45!

Aaah the joys of sport! Although having a sporting activity makes us happier, for many of us it is above all a big chore that we perform without much conviction to hope to fit into our new bikini. Moreover, it is generally not very effective because we throw ourselves on the box of cupcakes on returning from sports, on the pretext that we have just spent some energy... Yes, we do that too! The real problem with sports? You have to find the time to do it, which increases the risk of procrastination! This is the good excuse:“I didn’t have time”. Well, a study from the American University of McMaster in Hamilton showed that in fact a very short workout would be just as beneficial as 45 minutes of gentle activity. So no more excuses not to firm up our little thighs.

To arrive at this discovery, the researchers analyzed three groups of young men. The first group had to practice no sport for 12 weeks, the second had to do 45 minutes of stationary cycling every day and the third group had to also pedal daily, but only for 10 minutes, followed by 1 minute of very fast rhythm. And as crazy as it may seem, the scientists discovered that the two groups who had had a regular sporting activity had benefited from the same cardiovascular and slimming effects (on the other hand, nothing conclusive for the group without sport… too bad!). Yet the first had sweated for 27 hours a week while the second had only sweated 6 short hours... Great, right? So between the return from work and the aperitif:move your furniture and let go for ten minutes, you will be rewarded!