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An effective workout in 7 minutes

This 7-minute workout is just as effective as running and a strength training session. All you need? A wall and a chair. We want to know more about that.

The workout can be found in the May-June issue of American College of Sports Medicine's Health &Fitness Journal. Researchers have put together the ideal 'high intensity' work-out for this issue.

Effective training
'There is a lot of evidence that intensive interval training has just as much effect as endurance training, but in much less time', says one of the authors of the article.

In order for the training to be effective, you have to pay attention to a number of things. With interval training it is important that your body gets rest in between. With this 7-minute workout, you therefore wait 10 seconds between each exercise. During the next exercise, a different muscle group is trained, so that your newly trained muscles get even more rest. The order of the exercises is therefore very important. So don't just swap exercises.

Another condition is that the 7 minutes of this workout must be literally painful. You have to give everything you have and that is not fun to say the least. The advantage is that you are ready in 7 minutes.

Will you try this workout?

An effective workout in 7 minutes