Family Best Time >> Sports

Is your workout effective?

Check whether your workout is effective and safe, and will ensure that you keep it up.

My workout has a goal or duration YES/NO
For example:training for the 5 or 10 kilometers. Or, this lesson lasts at least 60 minutes, then you are ready. So you don't decide when you can stop, someone who knows about it decides. Unless you get pain of course.

My training has a professional and effective structure YES/NO
The answer is YES if the program is designed by an instructor/professional.

This workout suits my build and physical condition YES/NO
If you are overweight, have an old knee injury or it has been a long time since you have trained intensively, it is not wise to go for a run or participate in a boot camp or a vigorous spinning class. Swimming or walking intensively according to an exercise program are better options for you. Get advice!

I really enjoy doing this workout YES/NO
Never do anything you really hate. Maybe sports is a punishment for you anyway, then you will still do something that appeals to you the most, that you feel comfortable with. Even if it turns out that it is less effective than, for example, running, Bootcamp or Bodyattack. That way you stay motivated.

If you can answer all questions with YES, you are on the right track! Otherwise, it might be time to take a closer look at your training schedule.


Curious about more tips from Marije? Order her book Fitness Bible for women.

Is your workout effective?
This blog is a contribution of Marije de Vries (1981). She runs and works as a trainer and coach within the fitness industry and business. With a change program she developed, she helps thousands of men, women and employees make the transition to an ideal lifestyle every year. Every week she writes a blog for Santé.

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