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Spring fatigue:12 very effective natural solutions to replenish your energy!

Sunny days are setting in, temperatures are rising slowly, birds are singing, nature is blooming again, in short spring it is the sign of good weather. Except that if for some it's the perfect cocktail to get in shape , for others it is just the opposite. Because the change of season is anything but trivial! In fact, many people suffer from what is called spring fatigue , also known as spring laziness .

Spring fatigue:the unmistakable signs

During the transition from winter to spring, our body comes out of hibernation and must adapt to a new rhythm . From then on everything changes. Our thyroid is taken aback, it must readjust its hormone production for the proper functioning of the immune system, our body lacks energy and our morale takes a big hit. Clearly, the spring fatigue results in overwork, insomnia, irritability, blues or even allergies or eczema-type skin irritations.

Spring fatigue:strengthening your body

Fortunately, spring fatigue is not inevitable! To fight against this famous laziness, it is essential to modify your lifestyle and it starts with eating habits . First of all, purify your body by doing a detox cure over several days to eliminate all the toxins and other waste accumulated during the winter. Then, to cure deficiencies, introduce magnesium-rich foods into your diet. andvitamin C . Finally, take the time to ventilate yourself , to enjoy the sun and even to do a little physical activity . These simple gestures, to introduce into your routine, will stimulate the release of serotonin, the happiness hormone.

Discover all the anti-fatigue remedies in our slideshow.

Also read:

Magnesium cure:15 foods to eat to fight fatigue and insomnia

Detox:these foods that naturally cleanse the liver!

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