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Natural solutions for a fulfilling pregnancy

During pregnancy, and from the first trimester, changes flow into our body. During these 9 months, we can face different problems that can make this great adventure hellish. We must adopt certain reflexes, such as having a healthy and balanced diet and practicing a gentle sporting activity. Elizabeth Josse, a midwife with a degree in nutrition, shares her knowledge with us to optimize our physical condition before childbirth. Here are some more simple and natural remedies!

Weakened hair

Sometimes our hair becomes fragile during pregnancy or after childbirth, this is often due to anemia (iron deficiency). To avoid this, you can indulge in little nettle-based rituals! We consume nettle tea at least once a day. You can also apply dry nettle extract to the hair ten minutes before shampooing.


During pregnancy, our metabolism slows down and leads to constipation. To stimulate the production of bile and cause the lubrication of the intestinal transit, we drink hot water with lemon on an empty stomach. In case of persistent constipation, one evening a week we have a meal consisting only of homemade compote.


During pregnancy, our urine changes Ph and our metabolism is slower. This change causes a modification of the flora which promotes cystitis. Care should therefore be taken to avoid anything that irritates the bladder such as tea, coffee and spices. It is thought to favor blueberry herbal teas as well as low mineralized water and to urinate after sexual intercourse.


Mineral deficiencies cause cramps in pregnant women. To eradicate them when they occur, we eat alkaline foods (bananas, almonds, potatoes). To prevent night cramps, drink passionflower teas that provide extra magnesium.

Back pain

Our center of gravity and our posture change as we gain weight and lead to back pain. To adopt the right posture, we do exercises with a large fitness ball that will make us work on our balance. In case of pain, take a bath at 37° with 5 drops of grapefruit essential oils. You can also create a homemade massage oil, with 15 ml of vegetable oil mixed with 3 drops of grapefruit essential oil.


For some of us, pregnancy can cause hemorrhoids due to compression of the vein that brings blood from the legs back to the heart. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that you drink regularly and consume fiber. You can concoct an anti-inflammatory mixture to apply three times a day locally:20 drops of pistachio mastic tree + 4 drops of chamomile essential oil + 10 ml of calophyllum vegetable oil.

Varicose veins

Women with fragile veins will be sensitive to the tension that increases in the legs, which can cause varicose veins. When you are prone to this kind of problem, you avoid crossing your legs and sleep on the left side, to promote circulation. For the bravest among us, we practice the shower at alternating temperature (hot 3 minutes then cold 30 seconds).


Often we get up with the left foot because of our morning sickness. To get rid of it, apply a ball of hot water to the liver at bedtime. When you get up, drink a glass of hot water on an empty stomach then go back to bed for a quarter of an hour.

Stretch marks

During excessive or too rapid weight gain, the skin cracks. To avoid irreversible or costly treatments, it is best to prepare for it. You should avoid consuming refined sugars, as it decreases the elasticity of the skin. Hydrate the body with nourishing oil (argan, avocado or apricot) and drink great nettle herbal teas.

Find all the nutritional advice and natural tips for a fulfilling pregnancy with Natural solutions for an ideal fat by Elizabeth Josse at 15 euros.

Morgane Longuepee