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Pregnancy:watch out for licorice?

After raw fish, unwashed vegetables, undercooked meat... licorice is added to the list of foods to avoid during pregnancy. This is a study carried out by researchers from the University of Helsinki in Finland who looked at food and more specifically one of its active ingredients, glycyrrhizin, which would have a negative impact on cognitive development. fetus.

Earlier puberty

The study is large, since it followed nearly 400 children from birth to 13 years of age. They classified pregnant women into two categories:those who consumed more than 500 mg of glycyrrhizin per week (about 250 g of licorice) were heavy consumers, while below 249 mg it was considered an excessive amount. negligible. Verdict? Children who were exposed to large amounts of glycyrrhizin had on average an IQ 7 points lower and more behavioral problems than the others. In girls, puberty started earlier.

In Finland, licorice has joined the list of foods "not recommended" for pregnant women. With us, no official recommendation has been issued. However, before giving in to panic, keep in mind that the occasional consumption of licorice is not recognized as dangerous.