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First aid for dropping out

March is the month that many people's good intentions are officially over. Marije from Fitness Bible for Women offers first aid for dropping out. Read her blog.

Marije: Well, it's almost March. What happened to your New Year's resolution(s)? For many people, February is the month when good intentions slowly fade away.

Did you know that the February dropouts almost completely stopped in March and then decided to start again in May, when the bikini season approaches? Also know that this group of people often has not yet achieved the desired results in August due to this yo-yo. What should you do if you find yourself getting stuck?

Two essential actions:ALWAYS &DO IT IMMEDIATELY!

Step 1=Organization
Everything stands or falls with organization! Re-organize your life by planning your food and sports appointments, doing the right errands and throwing away all temptations. Organization becomes automatism. In most people this happens after 30 days to 6 weeks. So persevere.

Step 2=Make an appointment with a coach or trainer immediately
People who receive guidance from a trainer or coach are many times more successful in achieving results. This is because a trainer helps with organization (step 1).

Step 3=Ban the excuse
Making excuses is the beginning of the end. Ban the excuse by doing it right. Examples:I'm tired so I'm going, I don't have time so I'm going… Got it?

Come to the launch of my new book
My new book is a 6-week metamorphosis that helps you organize a new lifestyle. The launch will be in Arnhem on Saturday 22 March. We start with a work-out, then a chat, drink and you can buy the book with a discount.

Sign up
Do you want to be there? Then sign up now. You will receive an invitation to register for this event. Access and participation in the workout is free.


First aid for dropping out

Marije de Vries (1981) is an entrepreneur and works as a trainer and coach within the fitness industry and the business community. With a change program she developed, she helps thousands of men, women and employees make the transition to an ideal lifestyle every year. Every week she writes a blog for Santé.

Read all of Marije's blogs>>