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2 out of 3 French people make good resolutions on January 1

Good year ! Who says January 1st means beginning of the year and a whole host of possibilities available to us (which were available to us on December 31, that said, but hey, the “new start” side, it motivates!). The period is often associated with good resolutions. The Newpharma online pharmacy site conducted a survey of the French and their good health resolutions and it turns out that the phenomenon still affects 69% of people, i.e. more than 2 out of 3 French people. However, this figure is relativize since making a good resolution does not mean keeping it:only 5% say they do, 63% admit that they sometimes keep them, while 9% admit they never respect them.

Weight loss, a common goal

Unsurprisingly, when we take a closer look at the good health resolutions taken by the French, we see the emergence of physical health in the first place, with 38% of people who want to lose weight, 35% to take up sport and 28% to adopt a healthier diet. But mental well-being is not to be outdone, since being positive is a good resolution for 29% of those questioned and reducing stress closes the top 5 with 19%. We expected to see the desire to quit smoking in the first ranks, but it concerns only 15% of good resolutions, while reducing alcohol consumption concerns 7% of people. Finally, spending less time in front of screens is a wish that affects more than one in 10 French people (12%).

And you, have you made any good health resolutions?