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27% of French people in favor of banning tobacco

To fight against tobacco, the French have sometimes radical ideas. For 27% of them, the most effective measure to reduce the consumption of cigarettes would simply be… banning. In any case, this is what a survey by the CSA Institute carried out for Direct Matin reveals. , from a representative sample of 1,003 French people over the age of 18.

Price increase and reimbursement of weaning aids

While this measure is the most popular, especially among non-smokers, 29% of whom think that banning tobacco could be an effective method, other solutions are also being considered. 24% of French people thus defend the increase in the price of the package and the full reimbursement of weaning aid. But between consumers and non-consumers, opinions differ. Thus, 27% of non-smokers are in favor of the increase in the price of the package, against 15% of smokers, while 39% of smokers are for the reimbursement of withdrawal aids, against 18% of non-smokers.

What about awareness? The survey reveals that the French find this ineffective:only 10% think that it is useful to increase prevention campaigns against smoking. Finally, only 3% of French people think that banning cigarettes in films, books and other cultural products is useful.