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A study reveals that 1 in 5 French people have already thought about suicide

It is an unprecedented study on suicide conducted by the French Institute of Public Opinion (Ifop) for the Jean-Jaurès Foundation which revealed the following information:39% of French people have already hypothesized a suicide . When we know that each year, between 10,000 and 11,000 people end their lives and around 80,000 are hospitalized following an attempt, this raises questions, especially since France has a higher suicide death rate. than the European average.

The French more depressed than the Italian?

Thus, the study wanted to know if France was a special case, by comparing it to Spain, Germany and Italy. The researchers interviewed approximately 1,000 adults in each country. And it is therefore the French who consider suicide the most, 20% of those questioned having revealed that they have already thought about it seriously, against 16% of the Germans, 15% of the Spaniards and 12% of the Italians. If we add to this the people who have “vaguely” thought about suicide, we arrive at a total of 39% of French people, 30% of Spaniards, 28% of Germans and 20% of Italians.

The age, level of education and sex involved

The study also reveals that those under 35 are the most affected by this kind of thoughts:24% of them declare a real intention to commit suicide, while this is the case for only 19% of those over 35. . The level of study also seems to be involved, since graduates are concerned at 16% by serious suicidal thoughts, against 22% for those who have not obtained such diplomas. Finally, in France, women are much more affected by this suicidal tendency (23% against 17% for men in France). A less noticeable difference for Germany and Spain, and completely absent for Italy. If the study does not explain the differences between the countries, we hope above all that these figures will make it possible to alert consciences...