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Study reveals death toll from sugary drinks

An American survey has just published the figures of people who died because of sodas and other sugary drinks. Conducted from 1980 to 2010, it required 62 dietary studies from 51 countries. Carried out thanks to nearly 612,000 people, it aims to measure the dangerousness of sugary drinks on health. And the figures are not at all reassuring since approximately 184,000 people die each year as a result of diseases contracted due to heavy consumption of sodas.

With 133,000 deaths each year, diabetes is the leading cause of death, followed by cardiovascular diseases which kill approximately 45,000 people and cancers which claim 6,450 victims.

Mexico in the lead

Mexico is the country with the most victims in proportion to its inhabitants, with 24,000 people dying every year. It comes ahead of the United States, country of junk food and sugary drinks, where obesity affects half of the population. On the other side of the Atlantic, there are 125 deaths per million inhabitants, that is to say 25,000 deaths.

The study announces that about 76% of deaths took place in a low- and middle-income country, and young people are the most affected by chronic diseases.

So if you're a soda addict and you can't stop drinking it, here are 10 good reasons to consume less.