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Skinny jeans considered dangerous for our health?

In a report sent to an Australian medical journal, a team of doctors analyzed the unfortunate incident in which a 35-year-old young woman was found lying on the pavement, unable to get up, after spending an entire day helping a friend to move house, wearing skinny jeans.

"The young woman explained that her jeans seemed a little tight when she put them on in the morning," said Dr. Thomas Kinder, in charge of the study on this case at the Royal Adelaide Hospital (Australia). After spending several hours stooping down to carry boxes, she felt her jeans tighten more and more in a very uncomfortable way. It was in the evening, while walking home, that the young woman, who remained anonymous, noticed that she could no longer make any movement with her legs, which led her to stumble and fall. And unfortunately, she remained on the ground for several hours before being discovered by passers-by and transported to the hospital.

Arriving at the hospital, doctors noticed that both of her legs were swollen below the knee, so her jeans had to be cut to remove. She also suffered from severe muscle weakness in her feet and ankles and was unable to walk. Doctor Kinder says that despite multiple IV injections, it took four days for her legs to recover. "We think it was the combination of squatting and wearing tight jeans that caused the problem," he added. Dr. Kinder explained that the prolonged act of squatting caused the fibula nerves, nerves located near the knee joint, to become compressed. Repeated squatting has also been shown to reduce the blood supply needed by the calf muscles. So the young woman's calf muscles simply responded to the lack of blood by swelling, but since she was wearing skinny jeans, the muscles swelled "inside", further compressing the nerves around the shin and cutting little by little the blood supply necessary for the proper functioning of all these muscles.

The conclusion of this study:do not squat too long and continuously, especially when wearing skinny jeans. "If someone feels a tingling sensation or pain in their leg while squatting, they should get up and walk," advises the doctor.

In summary, if you do a job that requires constant squatting, take off the skinny jeans or just wear straight jeans or better still jogging or any other stretch material!