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Is wearing heels dangerous?

Yes, high heels refine our silhouette, we love them and we can't do without them. But they can really harm our health, especially when worn long term. Well, it's not like we don't know, a lot of studies have been done to make us see the truth in the face. Between injuries, muscle fatigue, crushed toes, osteoarthritis… More and more side effects are being highlighted. More recently, Dr. David Agus, professor of medicine at the University of California, explained in his book "A Short Guide To A Long Life" that a link exists between high heels and Cancer. Apparently shoes with heels can increase the risk of the disease because they trigger inflammation in the feet (compressed toes, balls that form behind the foot, friction due to the heels, etc.). Inflammation is a natural response of the body to defend itself against bacteria, injury or irritation and it is part of the natural healing process but, according to the professor, certain types of inflammation have already been linked to degenerative diseases, heart disease, Alzheimer's, diabetes. Because of this, they can increase the risk of cancer.

Wearing high-heeled shoes disrupts DNA repair

Although he recognizes that cancer can mainly be caused by damaged or defective genes encoded within our DNA, the scientist argues that anything that damages it or hinders its natural repair process can promote cancer. So if the body has to defend itself against the regular inflammation of our feet, it might stop repairing our DNA and focus on the inflammation. Logically, if the body's DNA repair process is not working, it makes us more vulnerable to cancer and other diseases. Moreover, for the researcher, cancer is not something that we catch but something that our body creates...

Above all, we must not wear shoes that hurt us

The bigger the heel, the greater the level of discomfort. All heels over 3 inches inevitably cause our bodies to lean forward so that we have to compensate by standing up straight. This creates problems in the pelvis, knees (risk of osteoarthritis) but also in the spine. High heels also affect the ankles, hips, and even lower back muscles. Dr. Argus believes that if heels hurt us or limit our movement, if they hurt our feet at the end of the day, we should stop wearing them immediately. It is highly inadvisable to wear heels all day and every day. It would be best to avoid them, and spend as much time as possible in comfortable shoes.

But then, do we really have to say goodbye to our favorite stilletos? No ! We just avoid wearing them every day and choosing them too high. Worn from time to time, they are absolutely not dangerous. Whew!