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Chocolate is good for the heart!

Not only is it delicious, not only is it anti-stress, not only is it good for morale and memory, but it would also be good for our hearts! It's him:♥the chocolate♥

The good news comes from researchers at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland, in the review of the British Medical Journal. After asking 21,000 people questions about their lifestyle over 11 years, scientists found those who consumed between 7 and 100g of dark chocolate (85% cocoa) per day had an 11% lower risk of have cardiovascular disease.

However, this does not mean that you have to eat (much) more, huh, and especially not if you are obese, reminds us the author of the study. Especially since this kind of study is always to be taken with a grain of salt... The key words? Pleasure, moderation and listening to your body.