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First price foods are as good as the rest

At the supermarket, are you the type to never buy the first price because you think it's crap, as Jean-Pierre Coffe would say? Think again ! A new study conducted by the Food Observatory (Oqali) has revealed that the nutritional quality of first-price products is equivalent to that of national brands. By entry-level products, the study includes in particular "entry-level" and "hard discount" private label products.

For three years, the researchers tested more than 16,000 references, such as dairy products, charcuterie, compotes, etc. Official result:there are only "point and non-generalizable differences". "It's a global statement. Whether it is the sugar, lipid or salt content, we have not found significant and systematic differences between the different types of brands, ”explained in particular on France Info Céline Ménard, the author of the report.

The only significant difference observed in the study lies in the bacon:the first prices contain more fat and less protein than the others.

> Read also:Natural foods to boost your brain