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Health:here are the foods not to eat raw

We tend to mistakenly think that it is enough to eat healthy to be healthy. We each have our little cute sins for the unoriginal. Eating raw foods is part of it. But if a good part of the fruit , tartares, gazpachos , carpaccio and other foods eaten without cooking are good once in a while, others should never be eaten uncooked beforehand. For your health, here are the ones that must go to the pan before ending up on your plate.

Why favor cooking?

It's not something we usually know, but some foods provide more essential nutrients (omega-3, vitamin C…) if they are raw, while others benefit from being cooked to promote the absorption of their good compounds . Cooking our food helps to destroy germs and parasites . For meats (tartares, carpaccio) and fish, care must be taken not to break the cold chain . It is recommended to eat them the day of purchase, or to freeze them for at least 48 hours to eliminate parasites.

Raw or cooked:how should we eat?

Contrary to what one might think, it is difficult to have a perfect diet. There are so many little things to know, and you quickly realize that you make mistakes in the kitchen. If it seems obvious to us that the chicken must be cooked before eating, did you know that the tomato too ? Why ? Cooking improves the bioavailability of lycopene (a powerful antioxidant that protects cells from free radicals), in other words, it is better absorbed. The potato , green beans and the aubergines too, must also go to the pan. When cooked, some of their nutrients become more effective. On the contrary, raw, they can be toxic . Potatoes and green beans contain solanine, an agent which can be harmful when consumed in large doses, but which disappears when cooked. Mushrooms , , and even , must also take a look around the grill before eating them.