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Here are the foods not to eat after the expiry date

In terms of conservation food , we do not always know on which foot to dance. Does this fruit keep at room temperature or do the eggs get cool? Everyone has their own techniques conservation, however questionable. On the other hand, an indicator is supposed not to deceive us:the date of expiration. Yet again, there are exceptions . Exceptions that save us a lot of mess . Chocolate, yoghurt, industrial sauces or even frozen products are foods that keep very well after use-by date. But they are not the only ones. On the other hand, there are food products with which you have to be careful and thus really respect the DLC .

DLC, DDM, how to navigate?

On packaging of our food products have two dates which allow us to find ourselves on the consumability of the product. You will therefore find the use-by date (DLC, "use by...) and minimum durability date (DDM, best before date). On the one hand, the DLC is fixed by the manufacturer and is indicated on food products liable to expire and which are generally packaged. This therefore concerns meats, yogurts, packets of cakes, salad bags or even ready meals.

The DDM , for its part is only an indication . It does not give any indication of an expired product but of the taste qualities. and nutritional of the last. Indeed, after a certain date, some products no longer have the same taste but do not pose any health risks. This is particularly the case for cans or even dehydrated products. . So much for the (important) difference between the DLC and the DDM.

Food products not to be consumed after the expiry date

If certain foods never perish (sugar, salt, spices or honey) others should never be consumed after the DLC. We see you from here the hypochondriacs who will take literally every word of this article. Don't worry, food not to consume after the DLC are not many. In general, most products can be consumed after the expiration date . But in some cases, it is better to make sure to consume them upstream so as not to make waste .

Unsurprisingly, red meat, fish, seafood and cold cuts should be eaten with caution . Regarding red meat, even without an expiry date indicated, you will know it by its color which gradually becomes brownish. It also releases a bad odor . So don't take any risks. To keep it a little longer, you can freeze it. This also applies to poultry . On the side of fish and seafood, you generally have 24 hours to consume them. Especially if they are fresh. As with red meat, at the slightest change in smell and color, head to the trash. For charcuterie, the date indicated is to be taken seriously. It will not keep for more than 3 days.

You will also pay attention to fresh fruit juice. We did say "fresh". So, no risks at the level of the bricks of juice on the shelves of your supermarket. Those concerned are the juices placed in the refrigerator and have not been pasteurized before being put in the fridge. In general, the DLC indicated corresponds to the fifth day after opening. Fresh cream, milk and raw milk cheeses are also affected.