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Covid-19:these foods not to eat when you are positive

The verdict is in, despite the mask and barrier gestures , you join those who are positive for Covid-19 ? Welcome to the club… The new Omicron variant is particularly contagious, so we see those around us testing positive every day. However, studies have shown that it would be less severe than these previous ones, and that it would lead to fewer hospitalizations. If you are positive for Covid-19 and you still have the taste and smell, you may want to use your time in isolation to get behind the stove. Whether you cook or not, some foods should be avoided, as they could greatly aggravate your symptoms. Indeed, when you are positive for Covid , not everything is good to eat.

What foods should I avoid if I test positive for Covid-19?

American nutritionist Lisa Valente listed foods not to eat in case of symptoms of Covid-19. Indeed, she explains on the site Eating Well , that certain foods can accentuate the symptoms and make the daily life of patients more difficult. This is particularly the case with alcohol. If you wanted to make yourself a grog to relieve the sore throat linked to Covid-19 , forget immediately. Alcohol has a dehydrating effect on the body and, if you have a fever, you may suffer from dehydration. So prefer herbal teas with honey and ginger, rather than a shot of rum or a glass of wine.

Similarly, vegetables from the cruciferous family are not preferred. We think in particular of broccoli, radish, turnip, arugula or even cabbage. These are difficult to digest. Among the symptoms of Covid-19 , there are digestive disorders. So take care of your belly, by eating vegetables that are good for you, such as carrots, sweet potatoes, squash, spinach.

Covid-19:absolutely do not eat these foods

In the list of foods not to eat , there are also those that are too acidic, such as lemon, vinegar or red fruits. Finally, if you cook soup, vegetables or any other dish, forget the spices. They could irritate your throat and make your cough worse. Instead, opt for butter or margarine, as well as foods rich in vitamins A, C, D and E, as well as zinc. Raw fish, eggs, olive oil, nuts and avocados should help you get better.