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Pregnancy:what can you really eat when you are pregnant?

Pregnant woman:why eat well?

A pregnant woman must follow a special diet. Indeed, it is essential to eat well during pregnancy. The future baby needs nutrients such as vitamins, proteins, minerals, good fats. Consequently, the mother must provide all the elements necessary for the proper development of the baby. She must therefore eat in a balanced way rather than eating in quantity. A good diet helps maintain its strength and radiance and maintain the vitality of the baby.

Pregnant women need more energy. Indeed, it is imperative to consume healthy foods during pregnancy. A good diet generally reduces fatigue and prevents low energy. A healthy diet also helps maintain good health during the nine months of pregnancy and during childbirth. In addition, it promotes good recovery after childbirth.

Pregnant women:foods to eat

Pregnant women need to know what to eat during pregnancy. In reality, calorie needs increase during gestation. To provide the necessary energy, the future mother must take into account the quality of her food.

Here is a food guide for a balanced meal:

  • Vegetables and fruits:These contain the necessary nutrients such as fibre, minerals and vitamins. Every day, the dishes of a pregnant woman must contain it. They are to be consumed without moderation.
  • Protein foods:These include nuts, legumes, meats, milk, etc. At each meal, they should account for a quarter of the food you eat.
  • Whole grains like cereal, rice, pasta, etc. They bring energy and occupy a quarter of your plate.

Eating well during pregnancy:the right reflexes

A pregnant woman takes, on a regular basis, three meals a day, eating her fill. She can also have two to three snacks. She must eat a variety of foods, of different colors. Finally, you should drink water, 1.5 to 2 liters a day.