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Do you feel like you've lost your vocabulary? The Covid has something to do with it!

The Covid will have left many traces. And continue to leave some. By the way, recently, you noticed that you keep coming up against words your vocabulary . You speak and then, suddenly, you experience difficulties to find the next word. You wonder if your brain softened. And that worries you. We understand. But never mind, you are not an isolated case . Indeed, the search “why forgot words” experienced a peak important on Google. And it's not because you stopped reading in the last few weeks or let yourself go in front of the latest reality TV fashionable. Your brain bug, it's clear, and it seems that the Covid be the main reason .

If yourbrain struggling to find the words (and that you had the Covid), it is that you are most certainly a victim of lethological aphasia . And this could be explained in particular by the lack of interactions that we experienced during the succession of restrictions. “The pandemic has led many people to become chronically stressed , which means that stress hormones are released into the body at much higher rates than usual” explains Sanam Hafeez, neuropsychologist in the columns of Bustle.

A phenomenon that affects many people

What if you have Covid-19? , this phenomenon would be even stronger. Indeed, in addition to all the symptoms of the virus, there would be cognitive difficulties months after contracting the virus. “When the brain is inflamed, certain brain functions are affected, which likely contributes to brain fog » says Sanam Hafeez. Many people, for their part, have also testified to a significant loss of concentration. But do not panic, this phenomenon is not only linked to the Covid. "Have the word on the tip of your tongue" is a problem encountered long before.

“A part of our brain (seat of the lexical memory) will produce a name, but which does not suit another (host of the semantic memory), which holds the clues. There is then a discrepancy and blockage , since the uttered name will momentarily screen out any other possibility” explains Professor Demonet on Planet Health. And don't panic and as Sanam Hafeez reminds “from our late twenties, our mental flexibility starts to get a little less efficient” . So nothing is worth being alarmed about. And as a reminder:memory takes work !