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Are you wasting your time at the gym?

Sports should be fun, but if you want to see results, it is also important that you do it right. These are 5 mistakes you can make.

1. You are using the wrong techniques in basic exercise
Exercises such as lunges, squats and planks feature regularly in workouts. If you use the wrong technique for the basic exercise, the exercises will have much less effect and you may even increase the risk of injury. It is important to work on your basic techniques. Also read the article Basic exercises that you may be doing wrong.

2. You don't vary enough
To keep your body in balance, it is important that all muscle groups are covered in your training. Alternating between cardio and strength training is a good idea, as is interval training or HIIT.

3. You alternate too much
Then there is the opposite error of point 2:you see no results after two days and therefore you renounce the exercises. You have to give your body time to get stronger. Stick to the same exercises for about 4 to 6 weeks before changing your training schedule.

4. You eat the calories you burn again
You can almost never compensate for a bad diet with exercise. A significant part of your training result is determined by nutrition, your sleeping pattern and stress level. Another common eating mistake:rewarding yourself with chocolate, cookies or ice cream after a workout. Don't do it (too often), the calories that you associate with an hour of training, you eat them again in a minute.

5. You see sports as a punishment
Sports should not be a punishment. You should enjoy it, or at least the sense of accomplishment afterwards. Do you dread it every time? Then it's time to try a new sport or find a way to make your own sport fun again.

Read also:5 ways to make your training harder