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My ears are blocked all the time...

It happens on the plane, in the mountains…

It is the change in speed or altitude that blocks the Eustachian tube. We then opt for a nasal solution based on seawater (Sinomarin type) to be sprayed in each nostril just before take-off and landing by plane, for example. The idea is to swallow when changing altitude (drinking, chewing gum, etc.). Good too, EarPlanes type earplugs (Quies). Are your ears still closed? We pinch our nose and blow with our mouth closed. If you also have a cold, you go see your doctor.

It happens suddenly without a clear cause.

We consult. It is often a plug of earwax that obstructs the ear canal. An ear wash spray may be enough to expel the plug, otherwise drops may be prescribed. We forget the Hopi candle (hollow candle that we place in the ear, the combustion of which is supposed to suck up the earwax):it does not really work and in addition we risk burning ourselves. Other possible causes:an ear infection, a joint problem in the mandible or a viral infection.

thanks to Dr kamami, otolaryngologist.