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Help! I sweat all the time!

What to do? The basic rules.

The cause of excessive sweating is not known. On the other hand, we can try to limit it by not wearing synthetic clothes and by having regular physical activity. In terms of diet, garlic and spices should be avoided, but also coffee, tea and cola. No need to restrict yourself in water, it does not change anything. On the other hand, the situation will be improved with herbal teas or sage-based granules and also by using antibacterial soaps (Dermalibour from A-derma, etc.), deodorants or creams based on aluminum salts (Etiaxil from Cooper , SVR Spirial…).

What if that's not enough?

We consult a dermatologist. If you sweat mainly from the hands or feet, iontophoresis sessions (tank with a small electric current in which the problem area is immersed) or an injection of botulinum toxin may be prescribed. Note that if it occurs suddenly in adulthood, there is often a pathology behind it (thyroid problem, diabetes, etc.). We therefore do not hesitate to consult.

Thanks to Dr. Nina Roos, dermatologist.