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What is the "Pegan Diet"?

The youngest of the "healthie" lifestyles plays it 2 in 1. It's a mix between the best of the paleo diet, which consists of eating the same thing as our prehistoric ancestors, and the best of the vegan diet , which removes all food from animals. So, in terms of name, it gives paleo + vegan =pegan.

The principle is simple, we combine these two diets but by reducing their food restrictions, which would give a more balanced diet than one or the other alone, and richer in micro-nutrients. For example, some people who eat paleo lack grains in their diet, and vegans may lack protein.

However, the Pegan diet focuses mainly on fruits and vegetables, to be supplemented with plants and high-quality animal proteins and fats. For some, the name is therefore incorrect because vegans do not consume animal products, according to them the pegan diet should be called a "modified paleo diet".

The only real common point between the two methods is that they emphasize fruits and vegetables, which are a great source of vitamins and minerals for maintaining good health. This is the basis that must comprise 75% of the food in this diet. As for the meat, it must be organic and have been raised in the open air, and represent only 25% of the diet.

Remember, in the Pegan diet, white sugar, processed products, dairy products and soy are banned.

Source:The Pegan diet:When paleo goes vegan , CNN