Paleo diet… as in Paleolithic? Yes, but it is not history that we are going to talk about in this article, but food. The paleo diet consists of eating like the first men, only natural and non-industrial products. Its goal ? Remove from our plates the foods that are supposed to disrupt the body and provide it with nutrients that are more essential to its proper functioning. Thus, we could (in the hypothesis) reduce the risk of diseases such as cancer, obesity or problems related to digestion but also better fight fatigue on a daily basis. But the paleo diet is quite controversial. Why ? We tell you everything.
The paleo diet does not have a slimming goal, it is a healthier body that followers seek to obtain. Eating fresh and unprocessed products means saying yes to meat, fish (preferring that from fishing) and eggs (from free-range chickens). You can also eat fruits and vegetables, seasonal and preferably organic, for the vitamin C and fiber they provide. Nuts and seeds are also allowed. Regarding fat, essential to the human body, it must be ingested in the form of “good fat”, in other words in avocados, almonds or even olive oil. On the other hand, and this is the less fun part, eating paleo means removing many foods from your cupboards. We say no to legumes (red beans, lentils, etc.), cereals, products processed by humans, but also sweet foods and finally starchy foods like pasta (bad news for lovers of Italian gastronomy!).
As you will have understood, the paleo diet is rather restrictive, especially since it must be respected for life if you want to feel the effects. It is also difficult (but not impossible) to combine with modern life and going out with friends. If you want to adopt it, it is essential to make the transition step by step, in order to gradually ban families of foods but also to vary the meats, fruits and vegetables consumed. The paleo diet remains controversial because it poses risks of vitamin D and calcium deficiencies. In question ? The absence of dairy products. It has also been proven that too much meat consumption increases the risk of cardiovascular problems, so it should not be seen as the main food. Less strict:the Mediterranean diet also aims to improve our general state of health, but allows dairy products as well as cereals.
So, does the paleo diet appeal to you? One thing is certain:the main thing is to find the food that suits US, the one that will be in harmony with our values and our rhythm of life! Good app!