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Colds:why are some affected and others less so?

There is nothing to do, every year it's the same thing:from the first cold snaps and when autumn sets in, a long period begins where we chain the "rhubes". In itself, nothing very serious, except that we are a little fed up, especially when we notice that our friend Laura gets by every year without ever being sick. And there, we want to cry foul! But whyyyyy? Well, it's actually explained quite simply:it's a matter of basic immunity, diet and hygiene.

Watch out for good bacteria

It's a fact, we are not all equal in terms of immunity. According to some researchers, exposure to bacteria and viruses during childhood would play a key role, since the more one would be exposed to them, the more one would develop an important immunity. But that's not all (fortunately!). Food would also be important:eating too sweet and too refined tires the immune system which is then less effective. Having a diet low in fiber (found in legumes, whole grains, dried fruits, oilseeds or even wheat bran) has an impact on the intestinal flora, which is itself responsible for the immune system. Finally, and even if it seems surprising, the lack of immunity can come from the fact that we wash ourselves… too much! The reason:showers and baths remove bacteria, both good and bad. However, the good bacteria allow the body to defend itself when it is in contact with a microbe or a virus. One shower a day is more than enough, however, we do not hesitate to wash our hands regularly, especially if we are sick!

Come on, for sure, this year, the cold will not pass by us!