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5 reasons why it's harder to sleep as a couple

Ah, sleep, it's a vast subject and it's certainly not always obvious to everyone. And if sleeping with your half is pleasant in the idea, in fact, it is sometimes more complicated than sleeping alone. Yes Yes ! We explain why.

1/ The other snores

This is the main reason that causes problems in many couples (and even when sleeping with a boyfriend/ine!):snoring. We can already start by seeing under what conditions this happens:after drinking alcohol? In a certain position (sleeping on your back favors this)? Is the snoring continuous (if not, this could be a sign of sleep apnea)? The person who snores may decide to go see a doctor to find a solution. In the meantime, there are anti-snoring t-shirts (yes, yes!), and we can also think of earplugs and machines that broadcast white noise, just to cover up (a little) snoring.

2/ The other moves and turns around

Here again, it is a question of trying to understand why the other moves so much at night:is it sleepwalking? The mattress that is uncomfortable? The simplest solution to put in place is to opt for a double bed made up of two box springs and two mattresses (but only one sheet!), so that the movements of the other do not make us move too much...

3/ We don't have the same rhythm

It's the classic nightmare and early riser move... but it's a real problem in a relationship. Who is right, who is wrong ? Person ! You just have to try to find a compromise on the bedtime so that the person who likes to go to bed early does not get exhausted and the person who likes to go to bed late does not get too frustrated. And after all, you don't have to go to bed at exactly the same time...

4/ One of the two falls asleep with the TV on

Many people like to relax in front of the TV in the evening, but some people like to fall asleep in front of it (provided the TV is in the bedroom)… which can be very disturbing when you are not used to it ( and it keeps us rather awake!). If the other does not want to deviate from this ritual, we ask him to at least use headphones and if possible, to put a timer so that the TV is not on all night.

5/ We don't like to sleep at the same temperature

Some like to be cool to slip under the duvet, while others prefer to be lightly dressed and take advantage of the warmth of the room to sleep with one leg out of the duvet. If the recommended temperature for sleeping is 18-19°C, it is not suitable for everyone. We then try to make a compromise:put on a little warmer pajamas for those who like to sleep with little cover and accept that it is not too cold for the other. Good news:the Simba brand has just released Hybrid®, a duvet designed in partnership with NASA and capable of storing heat to release it when it's cooler, to avoid having to overheat the room.

That said, if you can't find a middle ground and one or both are suffering from poor quality sleep, maybe you just have to accept the idea of ​​having a good time in the bed together and separate just before sleeping, at least a few nights a week, just to recover...