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Sleep talking:why do we talk in our sleep?

Sleep talking is a benign sleep disorder. If the word doesn't mean anything to you, it's very simple:affected people, called sleepwalkers, speak while sleeping, distinctly or not and unconsciously, so much so that when they wake up, they have no memory of these talks. So, does that remind you of anything? This very common phenomenon nevertheless arouses everyone's curiosity, and raises many questions... Here are some answers!

Related to emotions

This disorder, listed in the group of parasomnias, is generally linked to emotions such as sadness or anger and is the result of the exteriorization of the dreams that we have. But then, what are we talking about? Sleep talking is greatly promoted by stress, and sleep talkers often talk about their work, even though most of their talk is just incomprehensible mumbling. Conversations are often in the form of questions, and if you disturb a dozer, you risk receiving a flood of insults... indeed, at night we are uninhibited and therefore "without filters" (we will apologize to Bibi )! This disorder does not represent a health hazard and does not affect the quality of sleep at all. Most of the time, sleep talking only appears at certain times in our lives, and it is much rarer (even if it remains without major consequences) for this disorder to appear on a daily basis. To date, no treatment exists... Our other half will therefore have to get used to it!

We are now reassured (or not)!