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What position to sleep well? # Special sleep

Luckily for us, we don't always sleep in the same position! But is there one position better than another?

On the back:it's good for the neck

With an adequate pillow, it is a good position for the spine and the neck. Small downside, sleeping on your back would tend to make you snore more and cause sleep apnea.

The starfish:it's good for the back and the face

Whether our arms wrap around the pillow or not, sleeping on our backs can also prevent facial wrinkles and breakouts. However, having our arms raised compresses the tendons of our shoulders and causes poor blood circulation, and often tendonitis.

On the stomach:pay attention to the neck

To take full advantage of this position, you must already be able to breathe in the pillow! This position forces us to turn our heads and can be very painful for our neck, head and shoulders. Over time, it can cause rotation of the vertebrae, bruxism (teeth grinding), jaw pain or headaches.

In the fetal position:ideal for snorers and pregnant women

The small problem with this position is that it prevents you from breathing deeply, and can trigger slight pain in the back and neck. On the other hand, it can help snorers and pregnant women to sleep well.

On the side:watch out for aging skin

This position helps reduce back and neck pain. It also helps prevent sleep apnea. The wrong side ? It can cause aging of the skin, for example wrinkles on the face or sagging of the chest.

Right or left side?

Chinese medicine has an opinion on the matter and suggests trying the right side! Much better for digestion, this position concretizes a precept affirming that "in a horizontal position, the blood must return to the liver so that sleep is calm". Ideally, you should fold your right arm in front of the pillow, left arm along your body and legs slightly bent. A little reminder, sleeping in a “gun dog” or “crescent moon” position allows you to relax your muscles and relax!

Now that we know how to sleep well, we use the right accessories. Sleeping with several pillows is the best! For those who sleep on their back, we can place a small pillow under the hollow of our spine while those who sleep on their side can put it between their knees. Last tip, to support our head while respecting the natural curve of our neck, we use an orthopedic pillow!

Laura Girard