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What foods should you eat to sleep well?

It is estimated that around 30% of French people suffer from sleep disorders ranging from difficulty falling asleep to severe insomnia. In question, many factors… including food. Indeed, what we eat at dinner has an impact on the quality of sleep. The Wellandgood site has listed eight foods that help you (well) sleep:

1/ Almonds:they are rich in potassium and vitamin B, so they help to relax. Ideal when it's hard to let go and you dwell on the bad times of the day without your bed.

2/ Bananas:like almonds, they contain potassium and vitamin B. The anti-insomnia combo? Combine banana and almonds. Yum!

3/ Brown rice:it is rich in γ-aminobutyric acid, a neurotransmitter which helps the brain to calm down (and counteracts the exciting effects of glutamic acid, found in beef, chicken, parmesan , soy sauce…).

4/ Cherries:they promote the release of melatonin, also known as the sleep hormone. They are therefore recommended when you suffer from jet lag, to help you "readjust" naturally.

5/ Chickpeas:you will have understood that vitamin B is good for sleeping. Well chickpeas contain vitamin B6, which is necessary for the manufacture of melatonin. Good to know:it is not mandatory to consume them at dinner so that they have a positive effect on sleep.

6/ Kale cabbage:the most fashionable cabbage of the moment is super rich in magnesium (and if you lack it, you risk sleeping poorly). Not hooked on kale? Magnesium is also found in split peas, seaweed, sardines, spinach, eggplant...

7/ Oat flakes:if we are used to eating them rather at breakfast, they are also recommended in the evening because they help release the sleep hormone. A little porridge for dinner?

8/ Walnuts:they are sources of tryptophan, the neurotransmitter that helps synthesize serotonin, the hormone that regulates our internal clock. In short, a few nuts at dinner help you sleep well.

That, on the other hand, we avoid:alcohol (which causes, among other things, dehydration so there is a risk of waking us up at night), fried foods and animal proteins (difficult to digest, so the body cannot pass in "night" mode) and coffee (which often induces micro-awakenings).