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What time of day should you stop drinking coffee?

Coffee is often presented as a false friend that should not be abused too much, and it is true, but we rarely talk about its good sides. The beverage has been proven to slow aging, and more recently, to help reduce the risk of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, provided it is consumed responsibly. In the short term, it gives a welcome boost after the lunch break, and sometimes even at snack time, when you still have to last a few hours in the office. However, one should be careful not to drink it indiscriminately if one does not want to suffer the consequences at bedtime. A study, published in the scientific journal devoted to sleep Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine , indeed suggests that it is wise to stop drinking coffee after 2 p.m., or more precisely 7 a.m. before going to bed, if you do not want to have a disturbed night.

Between 10 a.m. and noon, the perfect timing

Four American researchers have indeed conducted an experiment on participants, whom they asked to drink coffee in the afternoon and in the evening. While a majority of them managed to fall asleep without worry, analyzes on the quality of sleep have shown that the consumption of caffeine just before bedtime, 3 hours before, and even up to 6 hours before (and this even if the participants no longer felt the effects of the caffeine), negatively impacted the night's sleep. The reason ? Late coffees disrupt the biological clock, as American and British researchers have already shown:drinking the equivalent of a double espresso 3 hours before bed can advance the biological clock (and therefore sleep cycles) about an hour. These conclusions are valid for all beverages containing caffeine, which includes sodas and energy drinks, which are best left aside after 2 p.m., therefore. Last recommendations:we make sure to drink our cup of coffee between 10 a.m. and noon, when the body needs it most and benefits from its benefits, and we do not swallow more than 4 cups a day. This may be unthinkable for coffee-addicts, but the science is clear:it's for your good!